Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Marc is off in Philly and I am home with a funny pair of kiddos. So far so good, Papa's absence has been altogether manageable. I even accomplished this tonight (for a whole 10 minutes)...

Today was a good. Carrefour, a quick romp in the park with some Parc Drolet regulars, a visit with Phil. at the bakery, home for lunch and a visit from Jenne and Cohen.

During Dinner, Clara and Leo were playing the Yes-No game by themselves, except Leo can only shake his head "no". But, like any good little brother, he dutifully shook his head no while Clara nodded yes, giggled, and then shook no. They both seemed to find it very amusing. I say, if they think it is fun then milk it for all its worth... I used the time to eat my meal in peace without having to shovel carrot into Leo's open grunting mouth.

After dinner, while Miss Clara was watching "one cartoooon" I decided to scrub the bathtub - don't ask, it just really needed to be done. I hooked Leo up in the doorframe in the Jolly Jumper and what I saw can never be captured by words alone. My sweet chubby little guy was a veritable ballerina, or is it Irish dancer? The moves this little guy was pulling off would make you laugh until you cried. The entire show was performed with a big toothless, drooly grin as Leo moved from Swan Lake to Riverdance and back. The bigger the leap, the bigger the squeal and the louder I laughed. I have a feeling my guy would really appreciate the experience of weightlessness (heck, I'd appreciate it if he were weightless, then I wouldn't find myself lugging a 20 pounder on my hip all day!)

By the way, for all who are interested, the stomach bug seems to have stopped at Marc; Leo and I never got it - fingers crossed.

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