Tuesday, May 17, 2005

One could say today was a bad day but I'll just call it one of those days. I should have know that things were not going to run smoothly this morning when I overslept by 45 minutes. Clara had risen way too early so Marc settled her with a DVD and some cereal. We fully expected her to come and wake us when the DVD ended (which is what she normally does) but little did we know that "Franklin" loops automatically at the end of the DVD!!!! Needless to say, Clara just sat and watched it again... Meanwhile I had turned off the alarm clock in my sleep and was completely unaware that two hours had passed when Marc woke me up with a stern "Mommy, what are you doing?" at 8:20am.

We made it to the Carrefour only 20 minutes late with Marc's help. It was our last session at the Carrefour and we had lots of fun... Clara made a T-shirt that is so cool, she even signed her name at the bottom (three sideways Cs)

The real fun started when we got home... No KEYS! I knew the second I opened the backpack that my house keys were inside in my other bag. So, we took this as an opportunity to get to know our neighbors better. We went to the bakery! We hung out with Phil, had some lunch which included Clara's first taste of chocolate milk, and I made phone calls. Marc was out for lunch at first and when I finally reached him it was obvious that it would be very difficult for him to get away to let us into the house. I decided to try to kill the afternoon by dropping in on some friends. Jayne and Max were not home so we headed to Trina and Anissa's instead. Luckily (for us) Anissa would not fall asleep for her nap so they were both awake when I knocked on the door. Later, we were joined by Natasha and Mariella and had lots of fun.

So, at 6:30pm I made it home - 9+ hours after I'd left! Thank goodness I packed enough diapers this morning. Papa T and Cathy arrived about 2 minutes after we got home and hung out with Clara, Leo and I for the evening while Papa went and played Soccer.

Whew, what a looong day it's been. Good Night!

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