It was a bitter-sweet day for me. It was my last day attending the 1-3 year old activity at the Carrefour des Petites Soleils. I've been spending one morning a week with one or both of my children there for 4 years. This activity has been a major part of my parenting experience. I've spent some truly magical moments with both Clara and Leo in this space, I've made wonderful friends, and have become more deeply implicated in the Carrefour community. Of course, our family's time is not over at the Carrefour, Leo will be attending the preschool activity next year but, for the first time
I will not have an activity to attend. There will be no more time spent with other mothers doing crafts, playing games, and singing songs with our kids while trying to have a conversation through a hundred interruptions.
I'll get over myself - eventually. I mean, I really do have to accept my children are growing up and moving on at some point right?
Hugging "le cheval"
Tout les Legumes
I grabbed the camera just in time to catch my favorite move!
it's weird how quickly they grow up...humbling, too. <3
Well, if it makes you feel any better I just got a lump in my throat hearing the legume song again. Anissa wasn't quite two the last time we danced to that at Carrefour...
Oh, how I remember that same moment... and I think that bitter-sweetness will always stay. Now I have to deal with NOT going back to Carrefour at ALL.
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