There is not too much to say about Easter Sunday itself, it is the day we decided to rest. Unfortunately, Marc and I forgot about the early start we'd be enjoying when we stayed up too late on Friday night. Our excited little Easter fans were up and begging us to join them in the living room while they tore the place apart to look for eggs that the Easter Bunny had left behind. So, at 7am we begrudgingly hauled ourselves out of bed and oversaw the annual egg hunt. Problem was, at 7:30 it was all over and Marc and I were up for the day!!! Marc managed to solve his share of the dilemma by falling asleep on the couch. I'll spare him by
not posting the dozens of pictures the kids took of him while he slept! There are pictures of him alone, pictures of Leo sitting in front of him, and pictures of Clara with her big, gap-toothed grin sitting with her Papa who is oblivious to it all.
On Easter Monday we were able to visit with the family out in Bromont, after a yummy roast beef lunch we all head out (at a much more reasonable hour I may add) to do our final hunt of the season. This time E.B. you know,
Bunny had another plan, he hid his treasures outside. That E.B. is a tricky little guy, the kids had to really keep their eyes peeled to find all the golden bunnies hopping about the yard.
A beautiful Spring afternoon in Bromont.Clara and Leo managed to spend most of the afternoon outdoors either helping with a bit of yard work, playing in the tree house or rambling in the woods. Thanks to Cathy, Clara even came home with a pet worm named Simone! So, as I'm sure we all can imagine after such a busy and fun weekend full of activity the car ride home quickly went from smiles and chatter to lolling heads and the sound of heavy breathing.
Before and after pictures from the drive home. Lucky Ann Marie right?